7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020

To succeed in the business world, you need to have the right strategies implemented that are convenient for your company and effective in attracting more customers. The idea is to generate leads to convert them into paying customers, but you need a reliable set of marketing strategies that can help you achieve this. If you want a fresh start for your business in 2020, then read on to learn more about the 7 most reliable marketing ideas that can provide you with excellent results. 

1. Advertise Using Word of Mouth: 

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020

You need to understand that word of mouth advertising is one of the most powerful marketing strategies you need to implement this year. Don’t underestimate the power of people talking about you. This is why you need to make sure that they’re saying positive and great things. Also, you need your existing customers to bring in more people. You can do this by implementing a special promotion for paying customers who have shared a promo code or link to multiple people. The existing customer would continue to buy from you and the new potential customer would get an appealing discount too. This is convenient and cost-effective because your fans and loyal clients will do most of the hard work and they’ll get rewarded for it. 

2. Use Technology and Software: 

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020
Undoubtedly, using technology and software marketing can spread the word about your brand faster. You need to think about Geo-fencing and marketing resource management software because they are the future and implementing them can be quite fruitful. Marketing resource management is also known as marketing operations software and you can compare mrm software types until you find the right one that suits your needs and fits your business model. It’s basically a unified system that allows you to manage your workflows, your brand compliance, your content, the budgeting for your marketing strategies, your monthly ROI, and it automates every step for your convenience. As for Geo-fencing marketing, it’s a virtual system that picks up all devices using a GPS that is close by and it sends them a message about your brand and store that is nearby. This is another great software that can help generate more leads and bring more people in as they’re casually strolling near your store. Combining technology and marketing should be your goal this year. 

3. Send People Emails: 

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020
Another effective method for business growth is email marketing. You can start promoting your brand by emailing potential customers or existing clients. This strategy is effective because it reminds the paying customer about a previous purchase that they’ve made, and it attracts potential customers that made an account on your website with special offers. It’s a reliable marketing strategy because it builds a strong relationship with your customers and it helps you generate more leads over time. Most people prefer receiving emails from companies because it’s convenient for them. Email marketing can increase your sales significantly and your profits this year will be astronomical. 
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4. Work on Search Engine Optimization:  

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020
The search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is a strong and effective digital marketing strategy that can help you generate more traffic online. You can do this alone, but it wouldn’t hurt to hire SEO specialists that understand how the digital world works. The idea behind it is to optimize your platform and make it have authority online. What that means is that your website would have great content, excellent backlinks from other blogs or platforms, and Google sees you as a relevant page that is important to numerous people online. It will allow you to get a higher ranking in the search engine results page and more people would visit your website this way. A strong SEO strategy in place can increase your lead generation levels significantly. You can rest assured that you will gain better results, exposure, and profits in return.  

5. Hire Influencer Power: 

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020
You’d be surprised just how strong influencer power can be on people. It’s a convenient strategy for your business because you hire someone else to attract your customers. This influencer should be a famous figure like an actor/actress, a music artist, a famous critic, an important politician, and a lot more. Also, you could use social media influencers because a lot of people use social media worldwide. The idea is that people will see their idols using your products and talking about it. When they do that, they are advertising your brand in their way to get more people interested. Influencers already have a huge following and those people can be your paying customers. 

6. Start a Social Media Page:

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020

 We’ve mentioned before how effective social media can be and marketing your brand in this way can have excellent results. It’s highly convenient because you can build a community online. The users that follow you will be converted to loyal customers and they will share your page and posts constantly. You just need to post frequently, attract people with interesting videos, and communicate with your customers to build a stronger relationship.  

7. Implement Affiliate Programs: 

7 Reliable Marketing Ideas Your Business Must Try This 2020
Implementing affiliate programs can be an excellent start for your business in 2020. If you feel like your sales margins weren’t appealing in 2019, then an affiliate program can increase your sales tremendously. The idea is to have your existing customers become affiliates. This means that every time they link your products to someone, or they attract people through referrals, they will get a monetary gain from it. The money you spend paying your affiliates would be worth it because they brought you more customers and increased your brand exposure. This is another cost-effective strategy that has excellent results. 
Business growth is what every entrepreneur wants for their company, but you can’t achieve it overnight and you can’t sit idly waiting for it to happen either. You need to give people a reason to purchase your products or your services. This is why marketing is important to reel in your customers and potential clients. Marketing can show them what they want and need because they didn’t think about it before. Using the right marketing strategy will make people flock to you constantly in 2020.

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